Microscopy Archives | Imagine Optic https://www.imagine-optic.com/category/microscopy/ Wavefront Sensing, Optical Metrology & Adaptive Optics Thu, 01 Dec 2022 10:53:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.imagine-optic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/cropped-favicon-imagine-32x32.png Microscopy Archives | Imagine Optic https://www.imagine-optic.com/category/microscopy/ 32 32 Lattice Light-Sheet with Adaptive Optics: precise and robust aberration correction in thick samples. https://www.imagine-optic.com/lattice-light-sheet-adaptive-optics/ Thu, 01 Dec 2022 09:34:34 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=265370 Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, a successful bio-imaging method. As a remarkable answer to the growing interest in rapid 3D visualization  of biological samples in vivo, Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) has become a valuable tool for biologists. Indeed, it enables optical sectioning of a sample with low photo-toxicity and low photo-bleaching at a very fast imaging rate. […]

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Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, a successful bio-imaging method.

As a remarkable answer to the growing interest in rapid 3D visualization  of biological samples in vivo, Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) has become a valuable tool for biologists. Indeed, it enables optical sectioning of a sample with low photo-toxicity and low photo-bleaching at a very fast imaging rate. Many implementations of LSFM now exist, with a great number of commercial and home-made solutions. Among all those instruments, Lattice Light-Sheet Microscopy (LLSM) stands out as one of the most efficient techniques for fast 3D imaging at sub-cellular scale. However, sample-induced aberrations are still limiting for in-depth observations inside thick tissues.

Active Image Optimization (AIO) enables deeper and better resolved LLSM

To get rid of these aberrations, Adaptive Optics (AO) was integrated in some LLSM setups, providing signal and resolution enhancement, but often at the cost of much more complex systems. In order to propose a simpler and cheaper solution, a team of researchers from Université de Bordeaux (CNRS, France) and Imagine Optic recently developed an original approach, so-called Active Image Optimization (AIO) (full publication here : https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.471757).

The AIO method is based on two steps : first, an original light-sheet auto-focus process using a sequence of sample images ensures accurate coplanarity between the illumination & imaging planes, then a sensorless, image-based iterative AO optimization  is performed, providing aberration correction at the emission path. Based on this method, the authors determined an optimal merit factor for their samples of interest, i.e. fixed organotypic mouse brain slices. As a proof of the efficiency of AIO, researchers were able to retrieve normal average spine head sizes down to 40 µm, as compared to enlarged structures imaged without AIO.

The developed setup corresponds to both hardware and software add-ons to a standard LLSM system, based on AO kit Bio, a set of adaptive optics components (HASO 4 First Shack-Hartmann WaveFront Sensor, MirAO 52-e deformable mirror and Wavekit Bio SDK) from Imagine Optic. This kit can be used in a various range of set-ups, such as in, for example, a conventional Light-Sheet microscope.

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One more prototype of a microscope with adaptive optics: this time for 2-photons! https://www.imagine-optic.com/2-photon-microscope-adaptive-optics/ Tue, 19 Jul 2022 09:16:22 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=264742 A custom-built 2-photon microscope incorporating a new, fast adaptive optics (AO) approach now provides its first AO-enhanced images. When targeting high-resolution imaging of biological samples at large depths, non-linear microscopy, and in particular 2- or even 3-photon fluorescence microscopy, is usually a technique of choice. Due to near-infrared illumination and intrinsic optical sectioning capability, multiphoton […]

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A custom-built 2-photon microscope incorporating a new, fast adaptive optics (AO) approach now provides its first AO-enhanced images.

When targeting high-resolution imaging of biological samples at large depths, non-linear microscopy, and in particular 2- or even 3-photon fluorescence microscopy, is usually a technique of choice. Due to near-infrared illumination and intrinsic optical sectioning capability, multiphoton microscopy provides deep 3D imaging with virtually no background and a great versatility enabled by the use of 2D scanning in the illumination path. This method is now widely employed for neuroimaging, particularly in scattering media such as rodent brain. However, as for all high-resolution optical microscopy techniques, its performance is severely reduced as a consequence of optical aberrations induced by the sample, especially in depth, which strongly degrades the illumination point spread function (PSF) resulting in a significant loss of signal and contrast.

Recently, we demonstrated a new, fast and simple AO approach, as well as its integration in a light-sheet microscope (more details here). This new AO method is based on direct wavefront sensing without the need for a guide star, enabling both fast correction (typ. 1 to 5 s) and reduction of the constraints of use. Aiming to provide users with an easy operation of AO in multiple microscopy modalities, Imagine Optic, together with a team of researchers from Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielle (ESPCI, France) and Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, France), adapted AO to the excitation path of a custom-built two photon microscope. This wavefront sensing approach was demonstrated to be particularly efficient in scattering conditions (publication here). 

Our prototype microscope is using one of Mirao line of large stroke, high stability deformable mirrors and allowed us to acquire first images   of ex vivo samples mainly consisting in fixed fluorescent mouse brain slices, at depths reaching 200µm (see upper figure, representing a maximum projection over 10µm brain slice). Only 4 iterations of the closed-loop optimization, corresponding to 2-3 seconds, were necessary to achieve this aberration correction. AO correction enabled an average three times increase of the signal, providing sharper morphological details such as axons or dendrites. These latest results have been recently presented at the SFO congress in Nice (France)Imperato S. et al., Extended scene adaptive optics for 2 photon Neuroimaging in the mouse brain, 05 Jul. 2022. They offer a great promise, specifically regarding the next steps of in vivo recording of functional signals, as well as product development.

These results have been achieved in the frame of the INOVAO project (funding Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR-18-CE19-0002).

#AdaptiveOptics #Microscopy

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Building a fast adaptive optics light-sheet microscope: first light ! https://www.imagine-optic.com/fast-adaptive-optics-light-sheet-microscope/ Tue, 14 Jun 2022 09:11:05 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=264072 A custom-built light-sheet microscope containing our newly developed fast adaptive optics approach, is now ready for systematic testing with various biological samples. Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy proved many advantages when imaging biological samples, providing high speed, low phototoxicity, large field of view, 3D capability together with optical sectioning. However, and in particular when imaging deep, sample-induced […]

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A custom-built light-sheet microscope containing our newly developed fast adaptive optics approach, is now ready for systematic testing with various biological samples.

Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy proved many advantages when imaging biological samples, providing high speed, low phototoxicity, large field of view, 3D capability together with optical sectioning. However, and in particular when imaging deep, sample-induced optical aberrations usually limit the image quality. Adaptive optics (AO) can compensate for such aberrations, but currently at the expense of either slow speed or complicated setups, which are not yet ready to be used routinely.

With the aim to provide a systematic benefit of using adaptive optics in light-sheet microscopy, Imagine Optic, together with a team of researchers from Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielle (ESPCI, France), developed a prototype of adaptive optics light-sheet fluorescence microscope. To compensate for sample-induced aberrations, this microscope contains a deformable mirror on the emission pathway and it can benefit from both sensorless and direct wavefront sensing-based adaptive optics approaches. The latter technology is based on our newly developed wavefront sensing approach (full description here) which enables fast adaptive optics correction – typically within 1 to 3 seconds – without the need for a guide star in the sample.

This new aberration detection and correction approach already demonstrated a significant improvement of the image quality in neuroscience samples (see an example here and in the previously mentioned publication). With this microscope setup we are now able to demonstrate and quantify the gain brought by adaptive optics in light-sheet microscopy for various biological samples. In particular it provides significant signal increase when imaging small structures close to the diffraction limit, especially when imaging deep, and/or when small signals need to be observed with a decent signal-to-noise ratio. Everybody who is interested in discussing AO for light-sheet and/or testing their samples are welcome to contact us.

These results have been achieved in the frame of the INOVAO project (funding Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR-18-CE19-0002).

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Adaptive optics microscopy direct wavefront sensing approach is more resilient to scattering. https://www.imagine-optic.com/adaptive-optics-microscopy-direct-wavefront-sensing/ Tue, 03 May 2022 09:50:31 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=263521 Custom-designed Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor enables accurate control of an adaptive optics loop in scattering conditions for the imaging of neuronal structures.

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Custom-designed Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor enables accurate control of an adaptive optics loop in scattering conditions for the imaging of neuronal structures.

Adaptive Optics approaches in fluorescence microscopy

Although many Adaptive Optics (AO) approaches have been proposed in fluorescence microscopy, the presence of scattering deeper in biological samples, typically dictates the use of sensorless AO methods. In situations where scattering severely limits the use of a guide star, either based on fluorescent beads or involving a de-scan of fluorescence signal to enable the correction of optical aberrations, a classical Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor cannot be used. However, sensorless AO – even if instrumentally simpler – provides a correction of aberrations at the cost of time-consuming iterative process of typically tens of seconds. Moreover, the quality of the correction is also driven by algorithmic parameters such as the choice of an adequate image quality metric. 

Direct wavefront sensing for more accurate AO in microscopy

As a new step towards a faster and more accurate AO in microscopy even in scattering conditions, a team of researchers from Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielle (ESPCI, France), Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, France) and Imagine Optic recently proposed the use of an extended-source Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor as a direct wavefront sensing device, which is more resilient to scattering than existing methods (full publication here). Even in low-signal to background conditions, a successful AO correction was demonstrated deep in the brain tissue in less than a second. Interestingly, researchers demonstrated that this device can also be used to quantitatively characterize the scattering properties of the sample. 

As for all AO setups, the proposed method benefits from the almost perfect linearity of the wavefront corrector, in this case the Mirao 52e electromagnetic deformable mirror [FH1] , as well as from its high dynamic range and intrinsic achromaticity, e.g. considering its use in 2-photon microscopy setups. Keep posted to know more about our upcoming compact, high-resolution deformable mirror (µ-DM), that was recently presented here

These results have been achieved in the frame of the INOVAO project (funding Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR-18-CE19-0002). #adaptive optics microscopy direct wavefront sensing

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Nuclear pore complex imaging using adaptive optics https://www.imagine-optic.com/nuclear-pore-complex-imaging-using-adaptive-optics/ Tue, 22 Feb 2022 10:58:35 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=263075 The group of Siegfried Musser from Texas AM University recently published an article in Nature Cell Biology where they used a MIRAO 52E deformable mirror to perform nuclear pore complex imaging using adaptive optics in super resolution. Super resolution microscopy techniques, such as PALM and STORM, open the possibility to visualize the smallest intracellular components, lying […]

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The group of Siegfried Musser from Texas AM University recently published an article in Nature Cell Biology where they used a MIRAO 52E deformable mirror to perform nuclear pore complex imaging using adaptive optics in super resolution. Super resolution microscopy techniques, such as PALM and STORM, open the possibility to visualize the smallest intracellular components, lying well beyond the diffraction limit of light and which are not otherwise accessible using conventional fluorescence microscopy methods. One of such small intracellular structures, is a nuclear pore complex (NPC). Embedded in the nucleus membrane NPCs are massive multiprotein complexes that act as passageways for the transport of molecules into and out of the nucleus. With a molecular mass of 125 MDa in vertebrates, the NPC is one of the largest and most complex protein structures of eukaryotic cells and yet is still smaller than diffraction limit.

Breaking the diffraction limit

While numerous 3D light microscopy methods have been developed over the last few decades, single-molecule astigmatism imaging provides the highest spatial localization precision in X, Y and Z, and its useful Z-range matches well to that necessary to monitor cargo trafficking through NPCs. Although the simplest approach to achieve astigmatism imaging is via a cylindrical lens, here researchers used MIRAO 52E deformable mirror both to correct sample-induced aberrations and to add a small amount of astigmatism for 3D imaging. This way they demonstrated exceptional-quality calibration curves which ensured the highest localization precision in Z.  

Nuclear pore complex imaging using adaptive optics: the Z calibration and localization precision using 60nm rms astigmatism introduced with the deformable mirror. (d) The Z dependence of spot widths in X and Y was obtained from Z-stack images (100ms/frame, 41 steps, step size 25nm) of five different 100nm beads embedded in 2% agarose, λ(ex)=647nm; ~2,500–3,500 photons per spot. (e) The difference between X and Y widths was approximately linearly dependent with Z. (f) The variation of X, Y and Z localization precision values along the Z axis. Localization precisions were defined as the standard deviation of position in X, Y and Z over 100 images of 100nm beads.

Even though here researchers decided to implement standalone adaptive optics components, the same results could be obtained using MICAO 3DSR – a plug & play adaptive optics system from Imagine Optic. This device is compatible with any inverted-frame microscope and our MICAO 3DSR offer automatically includes installation services and long-term support in order to create a hassle-free experience for our customers.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our line of Microscopy and Adaptive Optics solutions, you can reach us at sales@imagine-optic.com or through the contact form (red enveloppe on the side).

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Adaptive Optics Light-Sheet Microscopy for functional Neuroimaging https://www.imagine-optic.com/adaptive-optics-light-sheet-microscopy-for-functional-neuroimaging/ Fri, 16 Jul 2021 16:38:55 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=261978 Watch or rewatch the presentation given by Antoine Hubert (Imagine Optic and ESPCI) at the European Conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO) on June 21st. Antoine presents his latest results on an Extended-Scene Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing-based adaptive optics system for light-sheet microscopy in the drosophila brain. If you’re interested in finding out more about our line of Wavefront […]

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Watch or rewatch the presentation given by Antoine Hubert (Imagine Optic and ESPCI) at the European Conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO) on June 21st. Antoine presents his latest results on an Extended-Scene Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing-based adaptive optics system for light-sheet microscopy in the drosophila brain.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our line of Wavefront Sensors and Deformable Mirrors or Adative Optics solutions for Microscopy, you can reach us at sales@imagine-optic.com or through the contact form (red enveloppe on the side).

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Adaptive optics enables high-resolution, dual-view light-sheet microscopy through a tilted coverglass https://www.imagine-optic.com/adaptive-optics-enables-high-resolution-dual-view-light-sheet-microscopy-through-a-tilted-coverglass/ Mon, 05 Jul 2021 13:54:12 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=261945 Correction of static aberrations involved in tilted objective geometries restores the performance and full versatility of open-top light-sheet configurations. Even if many optical geometries have been proposed in light-sheet microscopy, in particular regarding the arrangement of excitation and/or emission objectives, designing a light-sheet system based on an open-top microscopy configuration is still a challenge, in particular […]

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Correction of static aberrations involved in tilted objective geometries restores the performance and full versatility of open-top light-sheet configurations. Even if many optical geometries have been proposed in light-sheet microscopy, in particular regarding the arrangement of excitation and/or emission objectives, designing a light-sheet system based on an open-top microscopy configuration is still a challenge, in particular when dual-view light-sheet is sought. Open-top configurations provide the versatility of inverted frames, but – when applied to light-sheet – requires imaging through a tilted coverglass, which dramatically degrades the quality of images due to optical aberrations.

In order to circumvent this limitation and to enable dual-view, high-resolution light-sheet imaging, a team of researchers from Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (Germany), NIH and HHMI Janelia Research Campus (USA) recently proposed the use of adaptive optics to get rid of system aberrations (full publication here). Thanks to a smart symmetrical design and division of optical paths, aberrations can be corrected in both imaging paths using a single deformable mirror and sensorless iterative algorithms.

For all adaptive optics setups based on sensorless algorithms, a key performance requirement is the linearity of the phase modulator. The proposed method benefits greatly from the almost perfect linearity of the MIRA0 52E electromagnetic deformable mirror, as well as from its high dynamic range and intrinsic achromaticity when compared to most other phase modulators. If a particular mirror shape has to be kept for long-term imaging experiments, a specific version of MIRAO is also available, providing a stable shape within a few nm for hours (see MIRAO 52es).

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REALM, aberration correction for PALM/STORM microscopy – webinar https://www.imagine-optic.com/aberration-correction-palm-storm-microscopy/ Tue, 29 Jun 2021 14:27:32 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=261935 The complexity of the aberration detection and correction process for PALM/STORM microscopy in biological samples has long been a limiting factor for widespread use of adaptive optics in biological imaging. The closed-loop method, though recognized as the best approach in terms of accuracy and speed, is usually difficult to implement due to the absence of a point source for direct wavefront sensing in […]

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The complexity of the aberration detection and correction process for PALM/STORM microscopy in biological samples has long been a limiting factor for widespread use of adaptive optics in biological imaging. The closed-loop method, though recognized as the best approach in terms of accuracy and speed, is usually difficult to implement due to the absence of a point source for direct wavefront sensing in biological samples, and the addition of fluorescent beads to the sample is seldom possible. Image-based iterative aberration detection algorithms can solve this problem, but its use in PALM/STORM microscopy is still a challenge. Indeed, PALM/STORM super resolution raw images are composed of single molecule detections (point sources), which appear at a different place in every acquired frame, and their intensity varies over time. This means “classical” merit functions, like maximal intensity or contrast, don’t work.  

Recent innovations are stretching these limits. A publication in Nature Communications by the group of Lukas Kapitein from Utrecht University reports successful application of a novel merit function based on a Fourier transform of raw images, which, therefore, does not depend on the intensity and location of detections in every frame. Their method, which is called REALM, allows direct use of the “blinking images” of the PALM/STORM technique and permits detection of aberrations on the fly. The authors need as little as about 300 frames to detect aberrations, apply the correction using a deformable mirror and then acquire the PALM/STORM sequence using a perfect PSF. By correcting aberrations, in particular in depth, the number of counts per frame is demonstrated to be increased by a factor of at least 4, due to the restoration of the PSF quality.

Lukas Kapitein’s group is one of the leading teams in the world studying the cytoskeleton of neurons. They use several innovative research methods to understand the mechanisms by which cells establish and maintain their precise shape and intracellular organization. Their REALM technique in particular was made possible thanks to our MicAO 3DSR adaptive optics add-on for super resolution PALM/STORM systems. The method opens the door to deep SMLM in tissue with unprecedented 3D resolution.  For even more information about the method, (re)watch the webinar organized by Imagine Optic and presented by Marijn Siemons, PhD student in Lukas’s group, (and including a live demo!).

If you’re interested in finding out more about our AO solutions for Microscopy, you can reach us at sales@imagine-optic.com or through the contact form (red enveloppe on the side).

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EPFL choses MICAO 3DSR for best axial localization in microscopy https://www.imagine-optic.com/epfl_micao/ Thu, 01 Apr 2021 08:14:14 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=261607 The post EPFL choses MICAO 3DSR for best axial localization in microscopy appeared first on Imagine Optic.


MicAO 3DSR adaptive optics system has recently been installed in the laboratory of Pablo Rivera Fuentes at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Pablo chose the system because it provides the best axial localization precision due to astigmatic PSF induced by its deformable mirror.

#AdaptiveOptics #microscopy #3Dmicroscopy #WavefrontRunners

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Breakthrough in wavefront sensing for microscopy https://www.imagine-optic.com/breakthrough-in-wavefront-sensing-for-microscopy/ Thu, 01 Apr 2021 07:46:19 +0000 https://www.imagine-optic.com/?p=261601 GCaMP7 labelled neurons of the live, adult drosophila brain at 45µm depth, imaged with fast, closed-loop adaptive optics (AO) on a Light-Sheet microscope, using our new direct wavefront sensing for microscopy approach – not requiring any guide star. All this has been made possible thanks to a great collaboration with ESPCI – LPEM and Neuro-PSI, through the InovAO […]

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GCaMP7 labelled neurons of the live, adult drosophila brain at 45µm depth, imaged with fast, closed-loop adaptive optics (AO) on a Light-Sheet microscope, using our new direct wavefront sensing for microscopy approach – not requiring any guide star. All this has been made possible thanks to a great collaboration with ESPCI – LPEM and Neuro-PSI, through the InovAO project (ANR-AAPG 2018 funding). More detailed science in our previous common publication here

We recently communicated the latest advances and results about this method and other implementations of our adaptive optics technology in microscopy at Focus on Microscopy, March 28-31 2021: the 5 talks we contributed to detailed how adaptive optics can boost imaging performance in Light-Sheet and Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy. 

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