Blog posts
Hard-XRay wavefront sensing now standard
New HASO HXR wavefront sensor now provides beamline scientists a robust, versatile industrial tool for hard X-rays optical metrology, to...
Adaptive Optics opens gates for Nobel prizes
In the past six years, adaptive optics (AO) has contributed to 8 Nobel Prizes. Unseen but essential, adaptive optics allows significant improvements...
(Re)watch the PSF optimization for 3D SMLM super-resolution imaging using adaptive optics webinar
Watch or rewatch "PSF optimization for 3D SMLM super-resolution imaging using adaptive optics" the first webinar of our series on adaptive optics...
Adaptive Optics boost Lattice Light Sheet Microscope in Premiere
A flavor of the now trending light sheet microscopy, the Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy (LLSM) developed by Eric Betzig at Janelia Research Campus,...
10 PetaWatts peak power at ELI-NP
The most powerful laser in the world has reached 10 PetaWatts with a 0.9 Strehl ratio, and the help of Imagine Optic's AO Laser solutions. In the...
Kickstarting Shack-Hartmann wavefront metrology in the 1990s: the PH-Line
A brief history of Imagine Optic - Episode 1 Founded in December 1996 by the pair Bucourt-Levecq, Imagine Optic was a pioneer in developing and...
(Re)watch A Practical Tour of Adaptive Optics
Our third webinar and live demo completes our on ongoing series on wavefront metrology and correction. You can (re)watch our 3rd webinar, a...
An ultra-stable deformable mirror that enables long-term microscopy: MIRAO 52ES
Ultra-stable deformable mirrors are key to long-term microscopy and wavefront analysis. In adaptive optics, the shape of the thin, reflective...
Can you trust your wavefront sensor ? (Re)watch our live demo webinar
Putting trust in your wavefront sensor is a necessity at some point. It is precisely the reason why our CSO Xavier Levecq addressed fundamental...
A trusted technology for telescope alignment and characterization
For the past 25 years, Imagine Optic's HASO family of wavefront sensors and optical metreology systems has relied on Shack-Hartman wavefront...
Conjugation Helper : a game-changer in Adaptive Optics optimization
The ultimate Adaptive Optics optimization is just one click away. WaveTune 4.1.10 Conjugation Helper is a game-changer in the optimization of...
Building the future of Dynamic Adaptive Imaging in Microscopy and Ophthalmology
Next generation opto-electronic devices enable ultrafast adaptive imaging in microscopy and ophthalmology. DYNAMIC FET project is starting...