Blog posts
Nanolite, a CEA-Imagine Optic joint lab on Extreme UV metrology
Extreme UV metrology joint Lab, Nanlite , Imagine Optic - CEA NANOLITE, the novel optical metrology platform for extreme UV enters...
Lattice Light-Sheet with Adaptive Optics: precise and robust aberration correction in thick samples.
Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, a successful bio-imaging method. As a remarkable answer to the growing interest in rapid 3D visualization ...
One more prototype of a microscope with adaptive optics: this time for 2-photons!
A custom-built 2-photon microscope incorporating a new, fast adaptive optics (AO) approach now provides its first AO-enhanced images. When targeting...
Building a fast adaptive optics light-sheet microscope: first light !
A custom-built light-sheet microscope containing our newly developed fast adaptive optics approach, is now ready for systematic testing with various...
Adaptive optics microscopy direct wavefront sensing approach is more resilient to scattering.
Custom-designed Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor enables accurate control of an adaptive optics loop in scattering conditions for the imaging of neuronal structures.
Complete characterization of beams hosting orbital angular momenta
Alok Kumar Pandey was the lead author in our recently published paper "Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensing of Ultrashort Optical Vortices". Based upon...
The dichroic beam-splitter of EUCLID telescope will be characterized by Imagine Optic’s OBSERVE.
Imagine Optic has been working for the European Space Agency (ESA) since last Summer on designing an optical bench to characterize the dichroic...
Nuclear pore complex imaging using adaptive optics
The group of Siegfried Musser from Texas AM University recently published an article in Nature Cell Biology where they used a MIRAO 52E...
Adaptive Optics Light-Sheet Microscopy for functional Neuroimaging
Watch or rewatch the presentation given by Antoine Hubert (Imagine Optic and ESPCI) at the European Conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO) on June...
WaveSuite goes full 64 bits: 3x processing speed, no-limit RAM & M2
WaveSuite 4.3 optical metrology and adaptive optics software completes the full transition to 64-bit compilation and overhauls previous limitations...
Adaptive optics enables high-resolution, dual-view light-sheet microscopy through a tilted coverglass
Correction of static aberrations involved in tilted objective geometries restores the performance and full versatility of open-top light-sheet...
REALM, aberration correction for PALM/STORM microscopy – webinar
The complexity of the aberration detection and correction process for PALM/STORM microscopy in biological samples has long been a limiting...