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All you need to maintain you R-FLEX2


All you need to maintain you R-FLEX2

Maintain the accuracy and reliability of your R-FLEX2 VIS and SWIR systems with this essential kit. Perform regular calibration checks, conduct detailed inspections, and easily align your SWIR system with the included visible light source. The R-FLEX KIT provides everything you need for comprehensive quality control, including calibration accessories, inspection tools, and alignment aids.


The R-Flex Kit comprises 3 features essential for customer Quality Assurance and easier Quality Control:

1/ Verify periodically the calibration of Imagine Optic’s R-FLEX2 VIS and R-FLEX2 SWIR metrology systems

2/ Inspect and clean them if necessary

3/ In the case of the R-FLEX2 SWIR metrology systems, facilitate its optical alignment on the optic to be tested by the use of visible light source

Box Content

+ Instructions for R-FLEX calibration check
+ Calibration check accessory with retroreflector and autocollimation flat reference mirror
+ Source for prealignment of the system at a visible wavelength
+ Fiber visual fault locator
+ Lamp, telescopic inspection mirror, Air blower and soft lens brush for dust inspection and cleaning
+ Optional R-FLEX50 adapter
+ Instructions for R-FLEX calibration check

Important Specs